Advocating for an orderly and transparent transformation process for a stable, more affordable and cleaner energy system.

Seminal research and advocacy efforts

CNE analyzed PREPA’s proposed $9 billion debt restructuring agreement and alerted of its potential dire consequences: insufficient debt-relief, significant rate increases and discouragement of distributed renewable generation. CNE and our allies’ advocacy efforts highlighted the defects of the agreement and contributed to the critical analysis of the sustainability of the debt agreement.

CNE testified before the US House Committee on Natural Resources in Washington D.C., stressing the need to phase out diesel, coal and natural gas facilities, maximize the installation of new renewable distributed sources, and ensure effective regulatory capacity.

We shaped conversations and consolidated our thought leadership by sharing our findings with media and advocacy organizations in Puerto Rico, the U.S. and other countries

An extraordinary high-impact event showcasing cutting-edge proposals for a resilient energy infrastructure.

  • 20+ local, U.S. and international speakers
  • 700+ attendees including business and NGO leaders, journalists, decision-makers, policymakers, academics, high school & university students and community stakeholders
  • 1,000+ attendees via LiveStream

Was instrumental in catalyzing the approval of one of the most advanced energy public policy laws three weeks after the event, that had been stalled for months.